
5 Most Important Comfort Factors for Custom Home Construction

Why Is Comfort So Important for Custom Homes? Custom home construction goes beyond fancy cabinetry, granite countertops, and elaborate millwork. At the end of a long day, you want to come home to [...]

The Importance of Building Science in Custom Homes

Homebuilding has come a long way. Over the course of history, we’ve learned more and more about how to create safer and more comfortable homes. With that knowledge came the implementation of stricter building [...]

2022-07-28T14:57:35-05:00February 27th, 2020|Building Science, Custom Homes, Green Homes, Healthier Homes|

Green Building Basics

R.E.A. Homes recently stopped by the St. Louis County Library to talk about green building practices. Jeff Bogard and Marc Bluestone of SmartHouse Heating and Cooling spoke on behalf of the Missouri Gateway [...]

Quality, Service or Price?

Owning a home is a large investment in terms of time, effort, and resources. When it comes to selecting your family’s home for the next 20 to 30 years, the cost of failure [...]

New Energy Efficient Modern Farmhouse

R.E.A. Homes recently broke ground on a second custom home! This new modern farmhouse style home in Ladue will feature a mixture of sustainable luxury and green components. Our partners at EFS Energy [...]

Video: 10 Years of Custom Home Building

We have made great strides in the last 10 years as a custom home builder. We owe it all to our loyal clients and trade partners. Thank you for all of your support! [...]

Celebrating 10 Years of Custom Home Building

This year, R.E.A. Homes is excited to celebrate 10 years of custom home building! The cliché time flies when you’re having fun is certainly true for Jeff Bogard, president of [...]

Keeping Water Out of Your Home

Any homeowner in the St. Louis area knows that water is one of a home’s year round most formidable foes. Your residence is under constant attack from the elements. As seasons change, the [...]

Creating Comfort in Your Home

Creating a superior living experience for our homeowners, and providing distinct advantages over traditional construction begins with one word: Comfort. Comfort isn’t something you see when you tour a home or look at pictures [...]

Beyond the Code: Increasing Energy Efficiency and Reducing Utility Cost

One of the primary goals of nearly every “green” home builder is to create homes that use as little energy as possible. To do this requires an in-depth understanding of building science, the knowledge [...]

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